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Prior Consultation & Tailor-Made Offer

Prior Consultation & Tailor-Made Offer

Welcome to Start Home Budapest, your trusted partner in finding the perfect long-term rental in Budapest.

Our thorough service package starts with exploring your needs and dearest wishes when it comes to the perfect home. Upon arrival, or even before you set foot in Budapest, our team will focus on understanding your needs by engaging in a detailed consultation online or in person. This allows us to tailor our services to your specific requirements. 

Based on your preferences, we provide a personalized selection of rental listings and this way you get access to a porfolio of hundreds of available high-quality properties. Our goal is to present you with options that align perfectly with your lifestyle and preferences.

Scheduled Viewings

Looking online is a good way to start your search: You can get a sense of pricing and apartment amenities. However, if you’re moving to a new city, apartment rental sites won’t tell you enough about neighborhoods or the local amenities of each. We will.
Going along with you on a thorough home search, and guiding through potential neighborhoods and homes is what we do best. Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. Viewings will be arranged for times that suit both you as the client and the landlord of the preferred properties.

These tours generally include some early negotiations with the owners whilst our accomplished real estate agents can equip you with key information that will help to make your final decision.

Scheduled Viewings

Negotiations with Lessors & Contract Draw Up

Leave the negotiations to us. We will do all the leg work for you, allowing you to save time, enjoy the process whilst having the peace of mind knowing you are securing the right property at the right price. Our experienced professionals will skillfully handle discussions with lessors, ensuring favorable terms that meet both parties' expectations.

After closing a favorable deal, our team is ready to draw up a multi-lingual lease contract. We value the importance of clarity in contractual agreements. Our comprehensive lease contracts ensure that all agreed-upon terms are accurately documented before it is signed by the parties involved, let that be diplomatic corps, companies or individuals.

Help with Legal Matters

Legal advisory for lease contracts could be provided on demand. We understand the presence of certain obligatory elements in housing, especially in the context of corporate or diplomatic leases. For those who seek additional legal insight, we offer our services to provide clarity and answer any questions related to lease terms or a draft contract.

Support in Lease Contract Notarization is available upon request! When notarization of the lease agreement is required, we can arrange our clients advocacy and support throughout the process, ensuring that all formalities are handled efficiently and accurately. Trust us to help with the paperwork, making your leasing journey smoother and more secure.

Move in Day

What sets our Move-in services apart is the meticulous attention to detail and personalized client care we provide. We will support you during the check-in on the moving in date to inspect the apartment, review inventory and conduct the meter readings. We can also assist you on how to connect to public utilities.

When written correctly, the checklist offers security to both tenants and landlords. New tenants should fill out the checklist on move-in day, preferably before moving in any personal furniture. If possible, landlords accompany our clients on the delivery of the property, but in any case, our team is present to assist, substitute and answer questions.


At Start Home Budapest, we go beyond just finding you a place to live – we aim to make your transition to Budapest as smooth as possible and it doesn't always stop at a successful moving in. Our commitment to our clients and long-term relationship with the landlords binds us to help out during the tenancy as well. Whether it is just a question about the neighborhood, an issue with the house or some better options on the market a few years later, we look forward to being your partner in your home business in our enchanting city.

With Start Home, discover the ease of long-term renting... and - Your Next Home in Budapest.

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